Be a Gamer in Life... Level Up your Health, Skills, Lifestyle and Save the Earth
Be a Gamer in Life...
Vitality For Gamers (VforG)
Vitality For Gamers
Healthy Gamer (VforG)    Parents with Gamers
Healthy Gamer (VforG)    Parents with Gamers

About Us

๐Ÿ•น๏ธ Our Goal

The goal of Vitality For Gamers is the Gamification of Life.

Our website provides researched information on Health, Mindset, and Knowledge to assist in levelling up your real-life Avatar. We also aim to gamify this and more. By integrating game-like elements into everyday activities and tasks, we wish to create gamer-like enthusiasm in life.

Our vision extends beyond individual transformation, fostering a sense of community and friendly competition among friends, families, classrooms, schools, and nations.

๐ŸŒ Our Earth

We envision the Gamification of Life as a transformative approach, where incentivizing activities (achievements) with rewards propels our communities towards greater sustainability and health. By making eco-friendly and healthy living rewarding, we see this as a prime strategy for embracing green practices. With this collective effort, we aim to fuel a worldwide movement towards sustainability, and well-being, with gamer-like enthusiasm.

By harnessing the power of the people making greener choices, we can drive companies worldwide to innovate and adopt greener practices, paving the way for a more sustainable future.

๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ Parents with Gamers

The goal of Parents with Gamers is to give parents, guardians, and teachers tools for the gamification of homework, chores, sports, hobbies, and other tasks/activities.

โœ… Gamification of Life

โ€œBe a Gamer in Life… Level Up your Health, Skills, Lifestyle and Save the Earthโ€


๐Ÿ›ฃ๏ธ Roadmap

This is the general flow. In 2022, we revamped our website with a fresh new look and are now updating it with the latest information & research.

Step 1: Information (WIP)

We aim to make information available to all free of cost, creating a valuable resource for anyone seeking knowledge and a starting point to creating positive change in their lives. Also, we will provide details for further skill learning to be found, as we believe in perpetual learning.

Perpetual learning:

  • Helps to keep your mind sharp

  • In a rapidly changing world, especially regarding technology and skills required for jobs, lifelong learning can help you stay adaptable and relevant.

  • It allows you to explore new interests, develop new skills, and broaden your perspectives.

  • As you gain more knowledge and become proficient in new areas, it can help build your confidence and self-esteem.

  • Learning about subjects that interest you can enhance your overall life satisfaction.

Step 2: Vitality Challange (WIP)
This challenge is about developing healthy habits, whether you’re a gamer, working in an office (or a home office), or just living your everyday life. You can achieve your goals and improve your overall well-being by leveling up your real-life avatar. Read More…

Step 3: Gamification (WIP)
We are working on our Gamification web app and will later expand on functionality with our Mobile/Tablet App. This is the automation of our Achieve Before Reward system and other gamification for all age groups and is integrated with various systems to help monitor your progress and track achievements & rewards.

Step 4 – Future: Games (VR, AR & MR)
Development of Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality Games to improve Health, Skills, Community, and the Environment; in combination with Gamification and integrated with the VforG App.

Step 5 – Future: Universal Income & Digital Currencies
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving, leading to the displacement of jobs in many industries. While technology has disrupted jobs in the past, the scale of disruption caused by AI is potentially massive. As a result, we see the emergence of Universal Income and Digital Currencies as a prime opportunity to Gamify Life and direct Humanity to become healthier, wiser, and in balance with the Earth, Stars, and beyond.


How it all Started…

Vitality For Gamers (VforG) was founded in 2010 by Lionel Thomas. After suffering a back injury in 2009 due to his sedentary lifestyle as a gamer and Gameaholic, Lionel realized he needed to change his life. He became passionate about health and fitness and became a healthy gamer.

Lionel’s journey towards better health also led him to realize that as we become healthier, so does the Earth. As a result, Vitality For Gamers was born to promote the gamification of life and encourage others to adopt healthier habits while contributing to environmental sustainability.

At Vitality For Gamers, we believe everyone can be healthy and socially responsible. We strive to create a community of like-minded individuals committed to living a balanced life that incorporates physical activity, healthy eating, and environmental consciousness.

We do this through various initiatives, including online resources, educational content, videos, apps, and the Point & Reward system (Part of the Gamification of Life).

Join us for the Greater Good!


Gamification of Life

“Be a Gamer in Life… Level Up your Health, Skills, and Lifestyle”

The Gamification of Life uses gamification techniques to encourage people to adopt sustainable and healthy practices in their daily lives while forming good habits. By integrating game-like elements into everyday activities and tasks, we are confident that people will remain enthusiastic and motivated to adopt beneficial behaviors.

Our vision extends beyond individual transformation, fostering a sense of community and friendly competition among friends, families, classrooms, schools, and large groups. This collective effort will fuel a global movement towards sustainability, well-being, and gamer-like enthusiasm.

By harnessing the power of collective voices, we can drive companies worldwide to innovate and adopt greener practices, paving the way for a more sustainable future.

Read More…


Achieve before Reward

We continue developing our “Achieve before Reward” system, a comprehensive Point and Reward Scoring System that encourages individuals to adopt healthy habits while also aiming at a sustainable lifestyle.

Vitality Challenge
The “Achieve Before Reward” system, in conjunction with the Vitality Challengeโ€”a series of objectives to accomplishโ€”constitutes the fundamental components of our Gamification of Life approach.

The Vitality Challenges also come into play with the rewards; for example, during gaming or screen time, challenges such as hydration, taking breaks, and eye health all come into play.


Saving the Earth

Saving the Earth is a critical issue that requires urgent attention. By adopting healthy habits, we can improve our health while reducing our carbon footprint and helping protect the Earth.

Until we have the Gamification of Life up and running, take actions that can help make a difference:

  • Walk or Cycle:
    Walking or cycling instead of driving can reduce your carbon footprint and improve your physical health. Walking or Cycling can also save you money and reduce traffic congestion.


  • Eat Whole Foods:
    Processed foods often come with a lot of packaging, contributing to waste and pollution. Processed foods can also be unhealthy if they contain added sugars, salt, and unhealthy fats. When possible, eat Whole Foods or minimally processed foods.


  • Avoid Sugary Foods and Drinks:
    This is one of the best things we can do for our health. Sugary foods and drinks can be high in calories and low in nutrients, contributing to weight gain, poor nutrition, and a range of health issues.

  • Be and Buy Local
    By choosing to shop locally, we can reduce our carbon footprint by reducing the transportation needed. By supporting local businesses, we can also help create a more vibrant and connected community, positively impacting our overall well-being.

  • Limit Screen Time:
    Reducing screen time not only benefits your health but also reduces energy consumption. Consider going for a walk or doing other physical activities instead of watching TV, using a mobile device, or using a computer.


  • Practice Intermittent Fasting:
    Intermittent fasting can help you consume less food, reducing your carbon footprint and giving your body a much-needed break to clean up and restore; plus a way to lose weight and potential health benefits; readย more.


  • Adopt a Circular Mindset:
    Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Opt for products made from recycled materials, and share or donate items that you no longer need. By adopting a circular mindset, we can reduce waste and pollution and help protect the Earth.

These either improve our Health or reduce our Cabon Footprint; consider doing these and sharing on Social Media

Quick Link

For an easier way to get to our website, type in:



Below is an overview of the significant milestones in the Vitality For Gamers journey. As a self-funded initiative, I maintain employment to support this project, affecting the overall timeline, yet I aim to have this change ASAP.


This year promises to be exhilarating as we work diligently to revamp our website, finishing the refreshed web version of our Vitality Challenge and introducing numerous additional website features. Stay tuned as we unveil new insights and updated content, ensuring our platform remains engaging, informative, and up-to-date.


Fresh Design & Experience
On September 10th, 2022, we unveiled the revitalized design and enriched content of the Vitality For Gamers website, with more exciting updates in store. The Vitality Challenge web application for Gamers and Parents with Gamers has also been refreshed, featuring a cohesive visual experience. Anticipate the launch of this updated version in 2023.

[Big Gap: Assisting my partner with her Company & Startup, Growing my other Company to raise capital and enjoying having a family]


My son was born…
As my son and daughter grew, I could witness our achievement before the reward technique with both children. This time, I took 6 months off; it’s easier the second time around, yet it is still as rewarding as the first.


Book Release (January 2015)
Title: Daniel’s life as a Gamer
Languages: English, Deutsch (German), franรงais (French), espaรฑol (Spanish), Manadarin (Chinese), Japanese
Medium: Paperback, Kindle, and later Video


Recipes for Gamer Snacks
Aimed at healthy Gamers options, we started releasing Gamer Snack recipes.


My Daughter was born…
Life is about experiences, so I took time off to care for my daughter for about 1 year and 6 months. As my daughter grew, I could witness our achievement before the reward technique firsthand, yet most of all, it was awesome to be there for her.

Vitality Challenge App [Working Title]
With the Vitality Challenge App, which features our Points and Reward system (or Achieve before Reward), we have a Gamer/Screen Buddy [Working Title] feature.

This feature actively reminds and encourages the individual to maintain healthy habits during gaming and other screen time.

The Healthy Habits is where the Vitality Challenge comes in; which, if followed, allows for an extension to the rewarded time; again based on a scoring system.
(Moving, Breaks, Hydration, Eye Health, Ear Health, Healthy Gamer Snacks, Circadian Rhythm, and much more…).ย 

We plan to have such features for Office/Desk workers and life in general.

Gamer Buddy UI Mockup with Cards


Healthy Gamer Lifestyle: Be your Game Avatar in LifeBook Release (November 2012)
Title: Healthy Gamer Lifestyle: Be your Game Avatar in Life
Medium: Paperback & eBook
Pages: 77

This book details how to create a solid base of energy, prevent issues from extended gaming sessions/screen time, and create a mindset for success and is just awesome for any Gamer wanting to create a Healthy Gaming Lifestyle and parents looking for information on managing gaming/screen time for children.

– Includes Parental information “Point and Reward System for Children” Gaming & Screen Time Management)
– 70 pages of Healthy Gamer Lifestyle
– 7 Awesome Healthy Gamer Quick Guides

Note: All the book information (updated) is being added to the latest version of the website.

Award - New Business of the Year 2012

Award Winner
(May 2012)

Winner of the New Business of the Year award and praised for its commitment to multiculturalism and unique business concept, Awards funded by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia and celebrated in Brisbane Indian Times.


Projects Starting
Started on Book, App, and other material.


The Vitality For Gamers cause was created, and the Vitality Challenge was born.

Vitality For Gamers
Be your Game Avatar in Life


Due to years of not looking after himself while gaming and screen time, Lionel’s health slid to an unfamiliar level. After picking something off the ground, he pulled his back and laid on his couch; unable to move without server pain, he looked up at the ceiling and told himself, “This needs to change”.
